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Relax Safety Gumboot 550.00৳
Organic Vapor Cartridge 3m 6006 1,050.00৳
Fire Hose Reel Cabinet 18,500.00৳
Ammonia Distilling Apparatus with Graham condenser 8,500.00৳
D(+)– Glucose Anhydrous 750.00৳
Fire Alarm Strobe Siren 1,050.00৳
- Electrical safety belt 3,500.00৳
TIW10101 IMPACT WRENCH 1050W 9,150.00৳
THPTCS71621 - 162 Pcs Tools Chest Set 71,800.00৳
Rabbit Chalk 350.00৳
Lux Meter 8,500.00৳
Portable Vibration Meter AS63A 22,000.00৳